A cloud full of angels


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Unborn love

76 kisses

 Born in Asia

Questions are all that's left for me

Song for G.

 And love was in the air

Loving eyes

Restless dream

Brazilian dream

Talking to your inner child

Echoes of tomorrow

Island of the 7 angels

Let me say goodbye

9 crystals

No more memories

River of time

This is a collection of songs written by Rudy Kronfuss with seven different female solo vocalists living in the Netherlands.Their names are:

Hanneke Bramer (Echoes of tomorrow, 76 kisses)

Carolien Kraaijkamp (And love was in the air)

Manon Leeflang (Unborn love, Loving eyes, Island of the 7 angels)

Anouk Muis (Song for G., Talking to your inner child, River of time)

Ellen Simon (Questions are all that's left for me, Restless dream)

Marije Soto (Born in Asia, Brazilian dream, Let me say goodbye, No more memories)

Marianne Svasek (9 crystals)

The compositions of this CD one could describe as "beautiful songs with latin, jazz and pop/rock influences".This is not pop music what your hear on the average radio station, but high quality vocal music with all kinds of colours.