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Review from VOODOO CHILD (spring 2018) newsletter (2 CDs) klick here.
This second volume contains tunes of Jimi only and is supposed to
honor the music of the master like the first one.
Here you will find a fresh mixture of famous tunes like “Red House” ,
“Power of Soul” and “Stone Free” and lesser known material like
“Hey Baby”, “Dolly Dagger” and “Third stone from the Sun”.
On this CD you will run into five gems unheard before !
For instance there is the instrumental “Gypsy Blood”.As far as I know
there is only a one and a half minute demo with Jimi playing the chordal
idea. Here I used Jimi’s sequence and improvised over it, plain jamming.
“Scorpio Woman” is derived from three different sources and put together
after long research. I had the feeling that Jimi had planned more lyrics,
however this is all I found about this song.
The snippets of “Send my love to Linda” were a huge puzzle from various
jams and demos. I used the main four element of Jimi’s idea and put it
together what seemed to be natural. Also here the lyrics are probably
only a rough idea, but what should be wrong with that ?
“It’s too bad” is a pretty close reconstruction of a jam where Jimi
spontanously sang the story of his quarrel with his brother. A very
heavy blues tune, which I dreamt to record some day.
Last but not least you will encounter Jimi’s stunning “Belly Button
A song very seldom covered. I present here what I believe was meant
to be Jimi’s final version, a jazzy song with bass and drums. This is
not a crazy idea of myself, Jimi had already recorded the basic tracks.
To reconstruct unfinished material of Jimi’s music might seem
an absurd idea, but would you prefer that all this unfinished songs
are lost forever ?
If you have any suggestions or ideas about this, do not hesitate to
contact me through my website rudykronfuss.com.
There is still much work to do I believe, because the ideas of Jimi
are worth to be saved for future generations and maybe there will
come a technology to reconstruct Jimi’s voice and playing ...
“Third stone from the sun” and “Hey Baby” always have been
one of my favourites and here I try my own versions, without
copying any of Jimi’s Solos. So these are mere versions of 2009,
nothing more or less.
I am aware that the chosen guitar sounds are sometimes different than
the original. This is of course my own personal choice and I can
see the problems for some Hendrix purists. It is interesting that
Jimi loved to play a range from very distorted to neatly clean guitar
sound. Experimenting was my main purpose. If I would record
these songs again, I would probably change sounds here and there.
I like new stuff, that’s for sure.
So why don’t you put on the CD and have a close listen !
Enjoy, I know that Jimi likes it.
Rudy Kronfuss